Monster Planet 11

Monday, March 14 at 9:00pm – March 15 at 1:00am

The Can Can
93 Pike Street Suite 307
Seattle, WA

More Info
Monster Planet is a live improvisational, experimental, ambient night featuring local musicians, visual artists, and rotating guests with a random Sci-Fi / Horror B-Movie.

Theme for March: Post Apocalyptic

Featuring music by…

Cathartech –

Derek Linaman of Logic Probe –

Josh Roberts –

William Mempa –

So come down and enjoy a nice cocktail or two while having your brain fried with sonic bliss and movies so shockingly bad that they have to exist in order to keep balance in the universe.

The Can Can is located on 93 Pike Street Suite 307 in the Pike Place Market up the stairs where they throw the fish.

Happy Hour Absinthe specials all night.

9PM to 1AM, 21+

And it is FREE!

Keep track of Monster Planet awesome sauce on the official website!


cathartech - apis

Track 1 is the desk recording from the performance at enlighten cafe, 1/28/11, and track 2 is a multi track improvisation inspired by that performance.  Both feature field recordings of a swarming beehive in Twisp, WA and modular analog synthesis. Thanks to adc~ for the run.  Available for 5$ here.